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Francisca Marco Cutillas

Master in Civil Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (SPAIN) - 2017

Master in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain) in 2017.

During her training period, she has benefited from various research grants, and is currently working on her PhD with a grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for University Teacher Training (FPU), which deals with analysis for the design of dissipation basins in the free discharge of dams.

The training has been complemented with courses and seminars in different fields, most of them focused on the field of Hydraulic Engineering.

During her training period, she has received several awards: National End-of-Career Award by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Award for the Best End-of-Master's Work granted by Murcia from the Civil Engineers Association and the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Extraordinary prize End-of-Master in Civil Engineering by the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Extraordinary prize End-of-Degree in Civil Engineering by the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena and First prize for the best End-of-Degree Project in water and sustainability for the work "Analysis and Evaluation of Sediment Transport in the Albujón Gully" awarded by the company HIDROGEA. .

Since 2017 she joined the R & D Group Hidr@m of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, where she actively participates.

Also, she has collaborated regularly in various projects of teaching innovation.

In recent months, she received the award from the Spanish Hydraulic Laboratory Network for her paper "Analysis in the time and frequency domains of pressures of free falling jets" at the Water Engineering Conference (2019).

She is currently teaching different subjects in the Civil Engineering Degree at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.

Associate editor of the Revista Hidrolatinoamericana de de Jóvenes Investigadores y Profesionales published by the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).

Member of the research team of 3 R & D projects financed in national and regional public calls.

Since 2020, she has been president of the IAHR South East Spain Young Professionals Network of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).


07/2022 — 06/2023

Programa de actividades 2022/2023 en la UCC+i de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT)

Ref: FCT-21-16623
I.P.: José Luis Serrano Martínez
Financial Entity: Fecyt
01/2019 — 09/2022

La aireación del flujo en el vertido en lámina libre por coronación de presas a nivel de prototipo y su efecto en cuencos de disipación de energía

Ref: RTI2018-095199-B-I00
I.P.: Luis Gerardo Castillo Elsitdié / José María Carrillo Sánchez
Financial Entity: Agencia Estatal de Investigación
04/2019 — 09/2022

Análisis de la capacidad de descarga de vertederos tipo laberinto y de la disipación de energía aguas abajo de los mismos

Ref: 20879/PI/18
I.P.: José María Carrillo Sánchez / Antonio Vigueras Rodríguez
Financial Entity: Fundacion Seneca
07/2021 — 06/2022

Programa de actividades 2021/2022 en la UCC+i de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT)

Ref: FCT-20-15528
I.P.: José Luis Serrano Martínez
Financial Entity: Fecyt
01/2022 — 05/2022

Olimpiada Nacional de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos - Edición 2022

Ref: 21685/OLIM/21
I.P.: José María Carrillo Sánchez
Financial Entity: Fundacion Seneca
10/2017 — 03/2022

Ayudas para la formación de profesorado universitario (FPU16/05658)

Ref: FPU16/05658
I.P.: Vicerrector-A UPCT
Financial Entity: Ministerio de Educacion Cultura y Deporte
07/2020 — 06/2021

Programa de actividades 2020/2021 en la UCC+i de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT)

Ref: FCT-19-14322
I.P.: José Luis Serrano Martínez
Financial Entity: Fecyt
04/2019 — 12/2020

Programa de actividades 2019/2020 en la UCCI de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

Ref: FCT-18-13297
I.P.: José Luis Serrano Martínez
Financial Entity: Fecyt
09/2018 — 07/2019

Quiero ser Ingeniera 2018

Ref: 18SU3011_Quiero ser Ingeniera_2018
I.P.: José Luis Serrano Martínez
Financial Entity: Instituto de la Mujer y para la Igualdad de Oportunidades
02/2019 — 05/2019

Primer Olimpiada de Ingeniería Civil. Diseña las redes de saneamiento de tu ciudad.

Ref: 21025/OLIM/18
I.P.: José María Carrillo Sánchez
Financial Entity: Fundacion Seneca


10/2021 — 04/2022

Estudio de mejora de la renovación aire en la ETAP de contraparada

Ref: 6967/21IMC
I.P.: Antonio Vigueras Rodríguez
02/2020 — 02/2021

Verificación del diseño de una central Hidroeléctrica

Ref: 6214/20IMC
I.P.: Luis Gerardo Castillo Elsitdié
02/2019 — 10/2019

Estudio de la red de saneamiento de La Manga de Mar Menor para la optimización de su funcionamiento durante episodios de lluvia. TT.MM. de Cartagena y San Javier

Ref: 5818/19IMC
I.P.: Juan Tomás García Bermejo
06/2018 — 08/2018

Estudio Hidráulico sobre las posibles modificaciones de las zonas inundables por la construcción de una balsa de riego en el T.M. de Calasparra (Murcia)

Ref: 5386/18IC
I.P.: José María Carrillo Sánchez