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He is a full professor of Signal Theory and Communications at the ETSI Telecommunication. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) and at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He created the Electromagnetics and Matter Group (GEM) at UPCT in 2004, has published more than 50 JCR articles, presented 90 international communications, supervised 5 doctoral theses, reviewed papers in different JCR publications, and evaluated R&D projects in regional and national calls. He has participated in 45 research projects of public calls (responsible researcher in 11 and coordinator of a European project), 29 research and development contracts (responsible researcher in 10) and 36 technical consulting contracts. He has been awarded with 6 patents and created a spin-off company in 2006. He has been coordinator of the Innovation Chairs Network at the UPCT from 2014 to 2015, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation from 2015 to 2016 and Rector (President) from 2016 to 2020. His research interest has focused, chronologically, on the application of the finite element method to high frequency electromagnetic problems, microwave heating systems, electromagnetic compatibility, the study and design of sources and standards of thermal noise, design of structures for radar signature reduction and filtering in radomes and ships, development of electromagnetic design procedures based on evolutionary techniques, and design of resonant cavities, multicavity filters and haloscopes for dark matter axions detection.