Antonio Juan Briones Peñalver

  • Teaching area: Organización de Empresas
  • Entrepreneurship / Strategy / Corporate social responsibility

Antonio Juan Briones Peñalver


  • Teaching area: Organización de Empresas
  • Entrepreneurship / Strategy / Corporate social responsibility
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Antonio Juan Briones Peñalver is Investigador Principal Grupo I+D

Assessment of teaching: number of five-year periods assessed positively: 5
Assessment of research: number of six-year periods assessed positively: 2
Assessment of transfer: number of six-year periods assessed positively: 1

Código ORCID: 0000-0002-2893-007X -


For the last years my interest is more focused on entrepreneurs, innovation, social corporate responsibility, strategic management, business projects creation and management, inter-company cooperation, strategic alliances, and, in general, business collaboration relationships, international cooperation projects, innovation firms and security and defence strategies in the European Union. I feel satisfaction for being a researcher for the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustanaibility and Well-Being in Portugal (CINTURS;, for having been European and International Accredited Doctor, and after that for having directed sixteen doctoral theses, and more than twenty research works together with publications of international reference articles and books. I have developed several publications about this subject (see journal articles and books sections). I am also actually really proud of having taken part in several Projects for International Development Cooperation between the European Union and Central America, sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and lead regional projects in the Social Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability of Blue Economy and Entrepreneurship.

Associate Professor of the Business Administration Department for the past twenty-six years, teaching Strategic Management. Researching and teaching activities related to strategic management companies, entrepreneurship, international academic cooperation and strategic agribusiness. During these years I have been developing activities related to entrepreneurship at university in the following positions:

- Director in Social Corporate Responsibility and Circular Economy of research team in the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.

- Assistant director in teaching at the ¿Young Entrepreneurs Chair" (Young entrepreneur founding) (2006 to 2020)

- Coordinator of the Master in Business Administration from the Technical University of Cartagena (2012-nowadays)

- Researcher at the ¿Research Centre Spaces and Organizations" of Algarve University of Portugal

- Researcher at the FAEDPYME

- Professional experience as Economist and Executive Director for Agribusiness companies from 1995 to 2002.

Title Doctoral Thesis in Business Administration at UPCT: Strategic determiners in the model of modernisation of the Spanish Armed Forces and Defence Systems. Analysis of the processes of cooperation with external organisations.

Mention of European Doctorate (Doctorate with European accreditation) and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain), 2007/2008 academic year. His research topics include knowledge management, entrepreneurs, business cooperation, innovation firms and government defence industry. He has supervised a completed PhD project and several international projects in international academic cooperation, strategic agribusiness, tourism diversification and security systems between Costa Rica, Nicaragua and the Region of Murcia (Spain); Projects for International Development Cooperation between the European Union and Central America, sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Works (main journal articles and books 2024-2013):

Briones-Peñalver, A. J., Campuzano-Bolarin, F., Acosta Hernández, F., & Córdoba-Pachón, J. R. (2024). Towards a Digital Relational Administration Model for Small and Medium Enterprise Support via E-Tutoring in Spain. Systems, 12(3), 81.

Peñalver, A. J. B., Bastida, J. L. J., & Moreno, V. M. (2023). Nueva política industrial de la Unión Europea (UE). Medidas estratégicas para la competitividad en las organizaciones de la industria de defensa. Economía industrial, (430), 13-22.

Peñalver, A. J. B., de Nieves Nieto, C., & Conesa, J. A. B. (2023). Analysis of CSR in Costa Rica Agribusiness: Its influence on Cooperation, Innovation and Performance. Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural, 20.

Concepción, D. R., Briones-Peñalver, A. J., de Nieves-Nieto, C., & Bernal-Conesa, J. A. (2023). Influence of corporate social responsibility in the Dominican mining sector: A comparative study of extractive and auxiliary industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 406, 137024.

Ureña-Espaillat, H.J., Briones-Peñalver, A.J., Bernal-Conesa, J.A., Córdoba-Pachón, J.R. (2023). Knowledge and innovation management in agribusiness: A study in the Dominican Republic. Business Strategy and the Environmentthis link is disabled, , 32(4), pp. 2008¿2021. JCR Q1 (2021: 10.801)., 1-14, ISSN: 0964-4733 / 1099-0836

Briones-Peñalver, A. J., & Prokopchuk, L. (2023). Evolution of business model for the drinking water market in Ukraine and its application under the new European concept of the blue economy. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 9(4), 225-251.

Briones-Peñalver, A. J., Prokopchuk, L., & Samoilyk, I. (2023). Strategic Vectors of Coastal Tourism Development as a Blue Economy Component in the International Dimension. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 14(6), 2473-2496.

Briones-Peñalver, A.J.; Fernandes-da- Anunciação, P. y Saura-Acosta, T. (2022). Chapter 3: Mobility tourism as a guarantee for health, wellbeing and sustainability, en Robin Nunkoo, Jun Wen and Metin Kozak 2022: Handbook on tourism, public health and wellbeing, pp-36-56, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. DOI:, ISBN 978 1 80037 829 2 (cased), ISBN 978 1 80037 830 8 (eBook)

Ureña-Espaillat, H.; Briones-Peñalver, A.J.; Bernal-Conesa, J.A. y Córdoba-Pachón, J.R. (2022). Knowledge and innovation management in agribusiness: A study in the Dominican Republic, BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, JCR Q1 (2021: 10.801)., 1-14, ISSN: 0964-4733 / 1099-0836

Ureña-Espaillat, H.; Briones-Peñalver, A.J.; Bernal-Conesa, J.A. y Córdoba-Pachón, J.R. (2022).

Sustainability and Creativity Management in Agribusiness, JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, Vol. 81, October 2022, pp.1107-1113, JCR Q4 (2021: 0.555).

DOI: 10.56042/jsir.v81i10.46459, ISSN: 0022-4456/0975-1084

Ureña-Espaillat, H.; Briones-Peñalver, A.J.y Bernal-Conesa, J.A. (2022). Influencing responsible green innovation in Dominican agribusiness performance, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Vol. 29 No. 3, 2022, pp.675-685, JCR Q1 (2021:8.464), ISSN - 15353958, 15353966

Iniesta, J. M. E., Peñalver, A. J. B., & Gómez, E. H. (2022). La financiación del emprendimiento social: estudio de la comunicación y el uso de las redes sociales en la plataforma de crowdfunding" Goteo". CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, (106), 199-233.

Espaillat, H. J. U., Peñalver, A. J. B., & Conesa, J. A. B. (2022). La creatividad en entidades de la Economía Social: una visión desde casos múltiples y una metodología mixta. CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, (104), 83-112.

Fonseca, G. L., Peñalver, A. J. B., & da Anunciação, P. F. (2022). Effective hospital response to covid-19: evidence from social healthcare organizations in Brazil and Portugal. CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, (104), 267-301.

McQuillan, D., Gavigan, S., Briones, A. J., Clitan, I., Milioni, D. L., Muresan, V., & Polykarpou, P. (2022). Educator Handbook for Designing Inclusive Entrepreneurship Courses in Higher Education.

McQuillan, D., O'Brien, E., Briones Penalver, A. J., Clitan, I., Gavigan, S., Stan, O., & Christou, A. (2022). Re-Imagining Higher Education Institutions as Inclusive Entrepreneurial Entities: the Case of European University of Technology (EUt+).

McQuillan, D., Gavigan, S., Briones Peñalver, A. J., Clitan, I., Milioni, D., Muresan, V., & Polykarpou, P. (2022). Manual para Diseño de Cursos de Emprendimiento Inclusivos en la Educación Superior.

Gavigan, S., Clitan, I., Briones Penalver, A. J., McQuillan, D., Stan, O., & Christou, A. (2022). Supporting Educators Towards More Inclusive Design of Entrepreneurship Courses.

Teruel-Sánchez, R.; Briones-Peñalver, A.J.; Bernal-Conesa, J.A., y Nieves-Nieto, C. (2021). Influence of the entrepreneurship capacity in business performance, BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 30 No. 5, 2021, pp. 2453-2467, JCR Q1 (2021: 10.801), ISSN: 0964-4733,

Roca-González, J.L; Briones-Peñalver, A.J., y Campuzano-Bolarin, F. (2020). Raptor Feeding Characterization and Dynamic System Simulation Applied to Airport Falcon, SUSTAINABILITY, Vol. 12 No. 21, JCR Q2(2020:3.251), ISSN: 2071-1050;

Briones-Peñalver, A.J., Bernal-Conesa, J.A., y De Nieves-Nieto, C. (2020), Knowledge and innovation management model. Its influence on technology transfer and performance in Spanish Defence industry, INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Vol. 16 No. 2, 2020, pp. 595615. JCR Q2(2020:5.94), ISSN: 1554-7191

eISSN: 1555-1938,

Artal-Tur, A., Briones-Peñalver, A.J., Bernal-Conesa, J.A., y Martínez-Salgado, O. (2019), Rural Community Tourism and Sustainable Advantages in Nicaragua, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IJCHM), Vol. 31 No. 6, 2019, pp. 2232-2252, JCR Q1(2019:5.667), ISSN: 0959-6119, eISSN: 1757-1049,

Molero, N. L., Gómez, E. H., & Peñalver, A. J. B. (2020). Crowdfunding Social: La alternativa a la financiación tradicional de proyectos de organizaciones de participación. REVESCO: revista de estudios cooperativos, (136), 49-56.

Muñoz-Medraño, M.C; Briones-Peñalver, A.J., y Jose Antonio C. Santos. Innovation Management and Cooperation in the Government of Social Economy Entities. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, 77 (12), 684-687, JCR Q4(2018:0.735,0,76).

De Nieves-Nieto, C.; Bernal-Conesa, J.A., y Briones-Peñalver, A.J. et ál. (2018), Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability's Effect on the Relationship Between Technological Companies' Stakeholders and Performance, JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, 77 (10), 570-574, JCR Q4(2018:0.735,0,76).

Briones-Peñalver, A.J.; Jose Antonio C. Santos; J.A. Bernal Conesa, J. A.; et ál. (2018). Innovation Management and Strategy, JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, 77 (8), 437-441, JCR Q4(2018:0.735,0,76).

Briones-Peñalver, A. J.; Santos, Jose Antonio C.; Bernal Conesa, J. A.; et ál. (2018). Influence of Cooperation and Collaborative ICT in Knowledge Management, JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, 77(6), 313-317, JCR Q4(2018:0.735,0,76).

Briones-Peñalver, A.J.; Bernal Conesa, J.A., De Nieves Nieto, C. (2017) Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Spanish Agribusiness and Its Influence on Innovation and Performance, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Vol. 25 No. 2, Mar-Apr 2018, pp. 182-193, JCR Q1(2018:5.513,8.741),

Bernal-Conesa, J.A; De Nieves Nieto, C, Briones-Peñalver, A.J. CSR Strategy in Technology Companies: Its Influence on Performance, Competitiveness and Sustainability. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Vol. 24 No. 2, Mar-Apr 2017, pp. 96-107, JCR Q1(2017:4.918,8.741), DOI: 10.1002/csr.1393

Guzmán; C. De-Nieves-Nieto; A.-J. Briones-Peñalver. Evaluating efficiency in the agribusiness sector in spain: An empirical study on the Region of Murcia | Evaluación de la eficiencia en el sector de los agronegocios en españa: Un estudio empírico para la región de Murcia. CUADERNOS DE DESARROLLO RURAL. 10 - 71, pp. 81 - 100. 2013. JCR Q4 (2013:0,132,0.175)

Artal-Tur; J.M. Navarro-Azorín; M.L. Alamá-Sabater; A.J. Briones-Peñalver. Spatial effects in industrial location choices: Industry characteristics and urban accessibility. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ECONOMISCHE EN SOCIALE GEOGRAFIE (ISSN:1467-966), Journal of Economic & Social Geography). 102 - 2, pp. 159 - 174. 2013. ImpactFactor (JCR-SSCI): 1,012 (2013), 5-Year Impact Factor 2013: 1.385, SJR Scimago Journal & Country Rank (Q1) DOI: 10.1111/tesg.12011


Título propiedad industrial registrada: Software para comunicación estratégica y procesado de técnicas de control de fauna aeroportuaria via web basado en tecnología de uso dual. Inventores: Jose Luis Roca González; Antonio Juan Briones Peñalver; Francisco Javier Marín Ros; Inmaculada Martínez Martínez; Juan Miguel Sánchez Lozano. País de inscripción: España, Región de Murcia. Fecha de registro: 13/05/2014. Fecha de concesión: 13/05/2014. C. Autón./Reg. de explotación: Región de Murcia, España

Office Hours

EDIFICIO CIM - FCCE, Floor 1, Office 2.30
Se recomienda enviar correo electrónico previo
10:30 — 12:30


Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Abbreviation list

  • BS: Basic course
  • B: Required course
  • O: Elective course
  • A: Year-long
  • 1Q: 1st half
  • 2Q: 2st half